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Parachute Doctor
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Parachute Doctor

Subtitle The Memoirs of Captain David Tibbs MC RAMC
By Neil Barber
ISBN 9781-781220009
Category History/Biography
Winter 2012


David Tibbs fascinating recollections feature jumping into Normandy on D-Day and the subsequent intense battle to defend the Airborne perimeter; assisting the Americans in repulsing the Ardennes offensive, the massive Airborne drop across the Rhine and the rapid advance to the Baltic to prevent the Russians moving into Denmark. Illustrated throughout in full colour.

Author's Biography

Neil Barber, has written two books. The Day the Devils Dropped In is about the 9th Parachute Battalion's D-Day assault on the Merville Gun Battery and its subsequent epic defence of the notorious Chateau St Come. The Pegasus and Orne Bridges details the capture, defence and relief on D-Day of these two vital objectives. He also edited the memoirs of Army Commando, Stan Scott, published as Fighting with the Commandos. All three books delve deeper into their subject than anything previously published.


Price £9.99

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