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Queen of Waters
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Queen of Waters

By Kirsten Elliott
Published by Akeman Press
ISBN 9780956098924
Category History (transport)
Spring 2011


This book is a journey along the Kennet & Avon Canal - the wonder of its age. Superseded by the GWR, it lay like a sleeping princess, forgotten and derelict - but some people refused to let it die. Their efforts saw it restored, to become the Queen of Waters

Author's Biography

Kirsten Elliott is a writer, researcher and guide to the City of Bath. She has written several local history books both separately and with her husband Dr Andrew Swift, on topics as varied as architecture, pubs and crime.


The book takes the reader for an enchanting pictorial journey from Reading to Bath and onward to Bristol, with 500 illustrations, many never published before. Towpath Talk A more than fitting tribute to a canal that refused to die – Western Daily Press As always Kirsten Elliott's infectious enthusiasm sweeps the reader along in its wake, this time along the entire length of the historic canal. Bath Chronicle She has captured the history and mood of the K & A with unequalled research and pictorial perfection. – letter to the Chronicle by a boatyard owner after the book launch Price £ 20.00 Binding: Paperback

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