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Out Late with Friends and Regrets
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Out Late with Friends and Regrets

By Suzanne Egerton
ISBN 1484840305
Autumn 2013


Fiona was married far too young, to a man who controlled her every thought. His sudden death leaves a scary vacuum; she is without friends, alienated from her family, and her confidence is in shreds. But a late coming of age in her thirties proves more joyous, funny, alarming and painful than for an adolescent. With the aid of an ebullient mentor, Ellie, she grabs her second chance with both hands, renames herself Fin, and finds herself propelled along pathways she could never have forseen.

Learning to cope with normal social and family contact is challenge enough, let alone facing up to growing evidence that she might, in fact, be gay. She begins to rebuild her battered personality, and strives to heal the rift with her estranged daughter. At last, her strength and determination seem to have proved her equal to the triumphs and disasters of her new life. And then comes the stalker…

Author's Biography

Suzanne Egerton’s illogical career path has zigged up to doorsteps with a bag of cleaning products, and zagged through jewellery shops and casinos. She is currently a fitness instructor, and lives in Motherwell.

Writing has been a constant in her life, but only since a move close to the artistic honeypot of Glasgow has it become The Other Job. Suzanne loves the scary presence of an audience, and has read her work at numerous events, including the Edinburgh International Book Festival.


Price: £8.99 (Paperback)
          £1.99 (E-Book)

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Reader Comments

Second chances don't come around often this is a wonderful story about a woman getting to the heart of herself.
A great storyteller. Wide range of interesting characters that you'd love to have as your friends. A book that's hard to put down - highly recommended.
best read all year!
fantastic read, kept me enthralled from start to finish
An enjoyable, and at times very funny, journey through a mid life change that keeps you interested and wanting to know how it works out; a real reading pleasure.
This book is very well written with a heartfelt story that makes you cry, laugh and ponder what life is indeed excellent journey of discovery.....a writer for the to be watched...loved it.
Egerton's unique, almost musical writing style is infused with humour as well as episodes of sadness, all in all, making it a great read.
I loved this story of a woman finding her identity.
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