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The Last Banquet
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The Last Banquet

By Jonathan Grimwood
Published by Canongate Books
ISBN 9780857868794
Autumn 2013


Jean-Marie Charles d'Aumout is many things. Orphan, soldier, diplomat, spy, lover. And chef.

This is his story.

We meet Jean-Marie d'Aumout as a penniless orphan eating beetles by the side of a road. His fate is changed after an unlikely encounter finds him patronage and he is sent to military academy. Despite his frugal roots, and thanks to wit and courage in great measure, he grows up to become a diplomat and spy.

Author's Biography

Jonathan Grimwood has written for the Guardian, The Times, the Telegraph and the Independent. He is married to the journalist and novelist Sam Baker. They divide their time between Winchester and Paris.


'As a piece of historical fiction, there is not an ounce of fat on it - a compliment, even for a work so concerned with the food of France' - The Times

'Grimwood has cut loose and written the book he was always meant to, with equal parts lush, sumptuous prose, convincing historical seasoning, and a cast of believable, human characters which will leave you sated and satisfied.' The Independent on Sunday

'Wonderfully enjoyable. Grimwood captures the colour, the decadence and tawdry glamour of Versailles beautifully.' - CAROL BIRCH author of JAMRACH’S MENAGERIE

'A tantalising tale, be prepared for some dark mystery and decadent recipes. A must for lovers of Suskind's Perfume and Miller's Pure' - The Bookseller

'A delicious sensory overload'- Marina O'Loughlin

Price: £14.99

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A fabulous feast of a novel, completely satisfying.
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