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Worlds Apart - Leah
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Worlds Apart - Leah

Subtitle Worlds Apart
By Andrea Baker
Published by Taylor Street Books
ISBN 13 978-1480083684
Autumn 2013


Leah knows that her mother died in a car accident when Leah was small and that her father, who used to be the gentlest dad in the world, has become increasingly controlling and occasionally violent. She also knows that her recurring dreams are telling her something more about how and why her mother died, and why her dad turned nasty, but they are becoming progressively more disturbing and confusing.

When Leah meets Ben, she is excited to have a friend she can confide in and have fun with, but is he what he seems? The voice of Leah’s mother repeatedly tells her to rely on her instincts, but when Leah is run over in a freak accident and Ben’s family take over her welfare, are they protecting her or using her? And why would anyone, good or evil, bother with an ordinary girl just about to go to university?

Author's Biography

Andrea Baker has written stories and poems all her life, although most of them no longer exist. After graduating from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth in Economics and Marketing, she convinced herself to stop making these stories up, believing it to be something a "grown-up" should not do.

Since then she has spent most of her career working on major programmes within the public sector. Of all the ideas that continued to occur to her, Worlds Apart has been the most insistant, refusing to go away.

She lives and works in the beautiful English county of Warwickshire, with her husband and daughter. Kenilworth, the base for her Worlds Apart Series, is just a few miles away from their home.


"I love these kinds of reads, where the first person narrative puts you right in the main characters head. Hearing her every thought and take on what's happening." - ToBeRed, Amazon Reviewer

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Reader Comments

This is a great YA fantasy romance, captivating and fresh, definitely one I would recommend!
A brilliant new author. I was hooked from the first couple of pages and can't wait for the sequel. More soon please!
Andreas next should be a corker.
A fantastic read, such lovely descriptions of Warwickshire, contrasting with the darkness that follows Leah's accident. A brilliant first Novel.
A fabulous read... so gripping! It captured my curiosity and inspired so many questions, I can't wait for part two. Please publish it soon!
An enjoyable read
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book
A very good read, good characterisation
Good read
I loved this book about Leah and the paranormal world of Seraphs, guardian Shears as upholders for good, and the evil hideous Harbingers that Andrea Baker has created. Along with the budding but forbidden romance with gorgeous Ben. This was a fascinating concept, an exciting story written with a good standard of English. It also leaves openings for more and a possible series which I hope manifests as this creates a world and events that the reader is left wanting more.
I really enjoyed the way the pace built in this book to reach a climactic finish, full of originality, gripping, and characters that you can identify with.
I had the privilege of reading this book, way before it was published. As soon as it became available, I obtained a copies of both the e book and the paperback. Well worth it. Filled with 3 dimensional characters and a great plotline, Andrea Baker gives her readers a roller coaster of a story.
I LOVE this book.
A fabulously original book from a brilliant new writer. A great read from start to finish, it sweeps you along at a swift pace and keeps you gripped throughout as does the first person narrative. Evocative, romantic, exciting. Highly recommended!
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