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In the Mirror, a Monster

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In the Mirror, a Monster

By Marten Weber
Published by Dog Horn Publishing
ISBN 9781845232085
Summer 2013


Tim and Tim have been running a gay B&B in Edinburgh for three decades. A handful of long-term lodgers give their old house a lively character. Into this B&B come two strange young men from overseas. Soon the inhabitants must come to confront their own most difficult truths.

Author's Biography

Marten Weber is hugely uncomfortable with labels, even seemingly benign ones such as ‘gay,’ ‘straight,’ or ‘sugar-free’ and prefer instead to judge people by their sense of humor and shoe size. He believes that everybody, regardless of race, gender or income should be gay for a year.


'Marten Weber never ceases to amaze and entertain readers. Pick it up and enjoy and savor. With Weber, you'll be turning pages so fast your fingers will blister.' Scott Alexander Hess

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