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From Bump to Baby
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From Bump to Baby

Subtitle Positive birthing experiences
By Natasha Harding
Published by ZakStar Productions
ISBN 9780 957283305
Category health
Spring 2013


From Bump to Baby contains inspirations stories from real women about being pregnant, giving birth and what being a mum really means.

Author's Biography

Natasha Harding, Sun journalist, yoga teacher and mother of six-year-old Zak.


To buy ebook:: "An enjoyable and educational read. It was so nice to get real accounts from women who have been there, done that." Fabulous Magazine "Most parenting books have the same old information, but Natasha has created a unique and wonderfully joyous book which covers every aspect of motherhood without a hint of that same-old, same-old feel." The Sun Price: £12.99

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Reader Comments

A great read and a good point of referral. Its a book that is very different to whats available and a real eye opener. Very helpful and highly recommend this especially for first pregnancy.
Usually we are filled with fear about birth the minute we mention we are pregnant. Natasha's book is refreshing, full of wonderful tales and really took the anxiety out of child birth. I actually looked forward to it after reading this empowering book.
Excellent read, with real women's stories you can relate to. It's a fun light-hearted read, and unlike any other pregnancy books out there with some great advice.
Great for a first timer - my wife loved it
Real accounts from real women make this book different to the vast majority of birth books out there and utterly invaluable in the preparation for labour and child birth. Told with humour and understanding it is a pleasurable read about a potentially frightening subject!
Such a fantastic Book
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