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Dance of Eagles
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Dance of Eagles

By JS Holloway
ISBN 0978 1907984051
Category Thriller
Spring 2013


An explosive adventure-thriller set in 14th-century Africa, and in the 1970's bush war of Rhodesia-Zimbabwe. Powerful characters who shaped their worlds, interwoven into a vivid tapestry that melds two stories: Tcana, daughter of a cattleherd, wife of a prince, in the 1300s; and modern day American TV journalist Rebecca Rawlings, caught up centuries later

Author's Biography

 Born in Northern Rhodesia,  Jo Holloway grew up in various countries of Central and Southern Africa. She served in the Rhodesian Defence Force, as one of only 12 female Rural IntAff Cadets at that time. She has 25 years' broadcast experience in Rhodesia, South Africa and the UK, and her scriptwriting credits include many hundreds of hours of TV, film, radio, and multimedia programming. After selling up to go sailing in 2004-2006, on her return to the UK she started Sunpenny, a small independent publishing house which has since become the Sunpenny Publishing Group. Jo has two espoused offspring living in Berlin and Wiltshire, and herself lives in north west England while dreaming of the Mediterranean.


To buy ebook:: Fast-paced and crisply told. The author writes with clarity and style. Insightful, compulsive narrative - BookWire Price: £9.42

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Reader Comments

JS Holloway's book is framed on an intriguing skeleton of Rhodesian/Zimbabwean history and culture, and fleshed out by the unforgettable characters and intense, nonstop action, drama, adventure and suspense. It grips the reader from the opening sentences, and because it has staying power, it holds the reader after the last page. It is unforgettable and no one reading it is ever the same afterwards. It deserves the respect and honor of winning The People's Book Prize.
This book had me spellbound from start to finish. I loved it! Having lived in South Africa for a large part of my life, I could smell, see and feel the land as it breathed through the pages. This is a realistic depiction of a harsh and violent period in Rhodesian/Zimbabwean history, but I loved the way it drew the historical and modern stories together through the symbolism of african myth and legend. A truly great and sweeping novel.
Hard to put down book!
Great book - full of excitement, reality and historical research.
This is an exciting and awesome book .The word pictures ,the blending of history and the present and the high octane excitement do not make for bedtime reading.This is a great book and will be with you long after you have read the last page
A very unusual novel, which in fact interweaves two stories, ancient and modern. Both captivate your interest and keep you enthralled to the end. Jo's intimate knowledge of Zimbabwe at a very difficult time in its history is fascinating, and the way it doesn't try to hide or downgrade the terrible violence which was occurring in the seventies gives the book a true sense of realism. It also contains some good Christian content as a balance. This is certainly a book worth my vote.
What a fantastic read!
Very good, amazing Author!!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and coming from Africa it brought back so many memories. It makes you consider that history has a fascinating habit of repeating itself and we are not so different from those who have come before us. I certainly give this book my vote.
As good as - if not better than Wilbur Smith's books!
A fast-paced, fascinating read. The author holds your attention throughout the read. Great insight into the various characters.
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