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A is for Angelica
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A is for Angelica

By Iain Broome
Published by Legend Press
ISBN 0978 1908775986
Category Contemporary
Spring 2013


Set in a northern mining town, the novel deftly draws us into the secretive life of troubled Gordon Kingdom. Struggling with the fate of his seriously ill wife, Gordon patiently observes the unusual goings-on of his neighbours. The arrival of the enigmatic Angelica prompts Gordon to make difficult decisions. The book elegantly weaves prosaic tragedy, dark comedy and Hitchcockian menace.

Author's Biography

Iain Broome is 31 years old and lives in Sheffield. A graduate of Sheffield Hallam's MA Writing programme, he has edited literary magazines, co-run a successful monthly spoken word event and currently maintains a popular website and podcast about writing. Iain's first novel is A is for Angelica.


'A first novel that confidently moves from dark comedy that's genuinely funny to even darker despair that grows from moving to harrowing. Really impressive.' - Daily Mail 

'Basically, if you don't laugh and cry over A is for Angelica in almost equal measures then bears don't deposit their personal waste in wooded areas and I'll only read this book once.' - Ani Johnson, The Bookbag 

'Presented in uncomplicated, unembellished prose, this is a brilliant and adeptly written debut novel, loaded with poignancy and feeling.' - Time Out 

 'I think this is a haunting and powerful first novel¦ a book I shall certainly read again.' - Linda Hepworth, Newbooks 

 'A is for Angelica is poignant, extraordinary and easy to read. Ideal for anyone.' - Louise Miller, Around the Red Map 

Price: £7.99

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Reader Comments

I ate this book up in a couple of days - it's funny, entertaining and stays with you.
This book intrigued me and kept me reading all the way through. It had humour and wonderful observations of difficult circumstances.
A great book, and a fun read.
Excellent debut novel from Iain Broome. It was thoroughly entertaining inbetween some more heavy literature and I'm looking forward to the next novel. I was a big fan of Nick Hornby and Ian's style has a similar quirky feel about it.
Great debut novel, a good read and thought provoking, shows a sensitive understanding of the little talked about post stroke difficulties families have. Even made me laugh in parts, enjoyable read
I loved this book and whizzed through it - funny and original.
Thrilling, human and thoroughly entertaining. I finished it too quickly!
Brilliant portrayal of the bleakness and unexpected humour in an ordinary life undergoing extraordinary stresses. Fantastic read.
Dealing with a difficult topic, Iain Broome brings humour and sensitivity to this great novel.
Quite simply the best book I have read in ages. Can't wait to read more from this author in the near future.
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