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The Dessert Deli
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The Dessert Deli

By Laura Amos
Published by Paperbooks
ISBN 0978 1909039025
Category Cookery
Spring 2013


The Dessert Deli is the hotly-anticipated cookbook from one of the UK’s fastest rising chefs Laura Amos, owner of The Dessert Deli. The book features Laura’s inspiring story, kitchen tips and secrets, as well as 60 amazing recipes, with tips how to change the flavours giving you more creative flair.

Author's Biography

Laura is one of the UK's top pastry chefs and is the owner of The Dessert Deli. Trained as an apprentice of Jean Christophe Novelli, Laura has worked at a number of prestigious restaurants including The Ivy, Le Caprice (as Head Pastry Chef) and Popina, an award-winning Artisan bakery.


ËœLaura is one of the most talented chefs in the business... full of tasty, scrumptious and inventive recipes which I am sure will become firm family favourites.“ Lorraine Pascale 

ËœHaving worked for me several years ago at Le Caprice, it is good to see Laura has escaped from the restaurant scene and is quickly becoming the Dessert Deli queen.“ Mark Hix 

ËœA fabulous mix of puddings, cakes and biscuits from the dessert queen herself. Laura's attention to detail makes each one a winner.“ Wendi Peters 

Price: £20.00

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Reader Comments

This is the best cookery book anyone could want, brilliant in every way.
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