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Beryl Bainbridge
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Beryl Bainbridge

Subtitle Writer, Artist, Friend
By Psiche Hughes
Published by Thames Hudson
ISBN 0978 0500516515
Category Biography
Spring 2013


This book is a highly personal, chronological account of Beryl’s life and work -both her writing and her painting - and provides a vivid first-hand portrait of this free-spirited and uniquely talented woman.

Author's Biography

Psiche Hughesis a former lecturer in Latin American and comparative literature at the University of London.


An extended love letter: an informative, amusing and pretty thorough account of Beryl's life and loves: the first that we have had. Finely produced the pictures are remarkably appealing in their immediacy, the constructions and perspectives quite terrific. Ham & High. 

Price: £19.95

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Reader Comments

I loved this book;it felt like an expression of sisterly love from Psiche Hughes for Beryl ; old friends as I know they have always been
Psiche Hughes weaves her memories of Beryl Bainbridge with a celebration of her artistic talents. We come to know this fascinating woman up-close with a clear-eyed respect that helps the reader to understand Bainbridge's experimental vision.
Beautifully written. A compelling read and insight into the psyche and struggle of the writer and artist. And understanding of the importance and oxygen that a life-long close friendship can bring.
Such a good book, lovely surprising (to me at least) pictures and a brilliantly written record of Beryl's life. A pleasure to read, afectionate and informative.
The anecdote about the pillow was infinitely poignant, and showed the depth and sincerity of the friendship between the Author and Beryl. I greatly enjoyed reading this book, and to see the pictures so well reproduced is a real treat.
It is very obvious that the Author was a real friend.
A lovely combination of Beryl's life and art by her best friend which brings her to life ina special way.
Excellent read and great pictures.
It is such a pleasure to see Beryl's pictures gathered together. Bravo.
A lovely heartfelt book about friendship and art.
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