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The Unprincipled
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The Unprincipled

By David Croydon
Published by Hilltop Publishing
ISBN 978 09536850 66
Category business/biography/comedy
Winter 2012


Part memoir, part business handbook, part comic novel, The Unprincipled charts the roller-coaster business of starting, growing (including many growing pains) and finally selling a marketing services agency in the 1980’s and 90’s: a mixture of fun and games and pain and heartache, telescoped into 12 short years

Author's Biography

Part memoir, part business handbook, part comic novel, The Unprincipled charts the roller-coaster business of starting, growing (including many growing pains) and finally selling a marketing services agency in the 1980’s and 90’s: a mixture of fun and games and pain and heartache, telescoped into 12 short years


"It works well: I've read comic novels which engaged my interest to a lesser extent. It's politically incorrect, scurrilous and a damned good read." - Bookbag website "Couldn't put it down - read it in the bath, on the settee, in bed. A cracking read: made me laugh out loud." - Yvonne McQueen (ex-colleague) 

Price: £9.99

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