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Subtitle How To Think Less for Serenity and Success
By Sandy C Newbigging
Published by Findhorn Press
ISBN 978-1-84409-603-9
Category mind/body
Winter 2012


Ever wish you could stop thinking so much? Do you think about work? The children? Money? Ageing parents? What’s for dinner? Does it go on and on? If you can’t switch your thoughts off, even when you go to bed, then, according to author Sandy Newbigging - you’re being THUNK!

Author's Biography

Sandy Newbigging is a meditation teacher and the creator of the Mind Detox Method. He is the author of several books, including Life Detox, New Beginnings and Peace for Life. He holds clinics in the UK, runs residential retreats internationally and trains Mind Detox Practitioners via his Mind Detox Academy



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