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The Palm Oil Stain
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The Palm Oil Stain

By Nadia Maddy
ISBN 978-1908775122
Winter 2012


The Palm Oil Stain is a brutal tale of a woman's journey of love and survival. Set against the backdrop of the Rebel War in Sierra Leone, Shalimar escapes an attack on her village assisted by a South African mercenary the locals call Chameleon.

Author's Biography

Nadia Maddy was born in London but spent most of her teenage years living in Sierra Leone. She has travelled extensivley and her unique observations were picked up by the BBC where she became a regular feature of the highly successful 90s TV Series, Video Nation


 By tira-mi-suShen A lucid, gripping and at times touching novel set in corrosive Sierra Leone. Maddys 1st novel combines loyalty, betrayal, love and atonement against a backdrop of greed, violence and nefarious rebel rule. By West Africa Cooks Wow, Great writing, hard hitting and at times moving. Shocking yet tender moments set in Africa, you feel like you are back home, but not as it is set in terrible times. By Sqn Ldr Winston Forde This is a case of "Mission accomplished!" As promised by Nadia, I found her first novel, The Palm Oil Stain, to be a deeply moving love story that relays the harsh reality of war, betrayal, and redemption whilst using an enjoyable if particularly readable style, and language.

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