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Actual Tigers
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Actual Tigers

Subtitle Poems
By William Crawford
ISBN 978-0985471521
Category Poetry
Winter 2012


Actual Tigers - Poems, has a unique pulse and purpose. The keen use of language, musicality and cinematic imagery is articulate and sophisticated. Crawford has brought to life something far more important than great poetry, his overall sentimentality unleashes in the reader impulse to live with grander deed and intention.

Author's Biography

William Crawford author of Fire in the Marrow & Actual Tigers, has been thrice nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His work has been published globally in numerous magazines and anthologies. Currently, his poetry is being translated into Polish. William abides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is an animal rights activist.


Crawford holds a uniquely rare perception of mankind; our flaws, beauties, and raw potential as higher powers and captured the wounded beasts within us all. - Alicia Winski 

Actual Tigers comes to life as special reading experiences by virtue of his sensitive connection to language…delivered with an artist's concern for texture and flow. Tim Buck - My Dripping Brain 

This collection of poetry will leave a watermark on any reader’s soul which can never be erased. Lynne Hayes - Take it to the Street Poetry Review 

Crawford’s intense and enigmatic character is represented faithfully in his words, and somehow, he manages to add yet another dimension to his work… April Michelle Bratten, co-editor, Up the Staircase Quarterly & author of It Broke Anyway This book is a silent film presented in poetic form to illustrate the heart cry of the author and what he holds sacred." Serena Wilcox, author of Sacred Parodies, editor, Leaf Garden Press 

 â€¦one of the most important collections I've read…Actual Tigers, bolts from the cage with drive that can only come from deep moral conviction. -Melissa Studdard, bestselling author of Six Weeks to Yehidah, winner of the Forward National Literature Award 

Price: £10.63

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Reader Comments

An absolute must read. William is a very talented writer and his work is extraordinary
Wow- this book rocks. Love the cover too!
An exceptional writer.
Mr Crawford's book has been added to the curriculum in Language Arts classrooms in Florida and he has given his time to the encouragement of writing . He is an important poet of our generation and this book is a triumph for the genre..
Vivid, striking imagery, and fantastic detail but with a pulsing heart.
Actual Tigers by William Crawford is a tender and powerful collection of poetry written with adeft hand. Crawfords ability to gently navigate human traits and frailties is delicate, bold and beautiful. Truly one of the most magnificent bodies of work offered up this year, possibly the decade. A wonderful read.
One of the brilliant and fascinating poetry collections of the modern era.
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