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Subtitle The Scandalous Life and Times of W. T. Stead
By W. Sydney Robinson
Published by The Robson Press
ISBN 9781849542944
Category Biography.
Autumn 2012


Revealing a man full of curious eccentricities, W. Sydney Robinson charts the remarkable rise and fall of a true Fleet Street legend in this enthralling biography about W. T. Stead, the tenacious pioneer of investigative journalism. To buy ebook:

Author's Biography

W. Sydney Robinson is a freelance writer and journalist published in The Spectator, the TLS, Prospect and several other publications. He studied History at the University of Manchester, where he was awarded the Humanities Faculty dissertation prize. Subsequently he carried out postgraduate research at Cambridge. He lives in Cambridge.


‘up until now Stead's messy and overflowing life has never received the kind of proper biographical treatment it has always warranted. W. Sydney Robinson, an English journalist with a dogged sense of detail, has set that right with "Muckraker," a timely study of Britain's first investigative journalist… Mr Robinson elegantly pieces together the backstory’ - Wall Street Journal ‘timely, well-written biography of the brilliant, flawed Victorian journalist – who made up quotes and twisted the truth in order to right wrongs – vividly demonstrates that breaking rules can lead to fame but also to downfall’ - Daily Mail ‘Robinson knows how to tell a story’ - Spectator ‘Eye-opening’ Culture (supplement to the Sunday Times) ‘this well-researched, thoughtful book charts Stead’s paradoxes entertainingly’ - Literary Review ‘In an age when the excesses of the newspapers are on everybody’s lips, this book could hardly be better timed. Extensively researched and briskly written, with a lovely eye for detail, a wry sense of irony and a fine grasp of character, it brings alive an age in which sensationalist papers went further in search of a story than even Rebekah Brooks would think appropriate’ - Prospect Price  £20             Binding:  Hardcover               

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