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The Toaster Project
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The Toaster Project

Subtitle Or a Heroic Attempt to Build a Simple Electric Appliance from Scratch
By Thomas Thwaites
ISBN 978-1-56898-997-6
Autumn 2012


The Toaster Project is Thomas Thwaites’ story of his quest, beginning with raw materials he pulls out of the ground himself, and ending nine months later with a home-made approximation of a product his local appliance store sells for less than £4.

Author's Biography

Thomas Thwaites is a designer who completed his Masters in Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art in 2009. His Toaster Project is currently exhibited at the Science Museum in London and his Policing Genes project is exhibited at the National Museum of China as part of “What If... Beijing” during the first Beijing Design Triennial. Thwaites is currently designing and making a series of objects from a “counterfactual history of science,” supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust.


Price  £  11.99 Binding:  Paperback    

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