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Paul Smith A-Z
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Paul Smith A-Z

Subtitle In Conversation with Olivier Wicker
By Paul Smith
ISBN 978-1-4197-0352-2
Category Fashion
Autumn 2012


An atypical character from the world of fashion, heavily influenced by rock and pop culture, the British designer who adores words and images, tells his story for the first time from the very beginning. Sir Paul Smith, who dreamt of being a professional cyclist, has created a globally recognised brand.

Author's Biography

Paul Smith is the preeminent British designer. Offering 12 different collections, ranging from clothing to shoes, furniture and fragrances, Paul Smith is a global brand, with merchandise sold in 35 countries. Olivier Wicker is the directeur de la rédaction d'Obsession, published with le Nouvel Observateur, a weekly French news magazine.


Price  £  18.99  Binding:  Hardcover

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