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The Shadow of Atlantis
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The Shadow of Atlantis

By Wendy Leighton- Porter
ISBN 798-1-4710-8899-5
Category Children’s 7 yrs plus
Autumn 2012


Ten-year-old twins Joe and Jemima Lancelot have no idea why their parents have disappeared, but a mysterious old book which had belonged to their father holds the answer… and so begins an unusual quest to discover the truth and save the people of Atlantis from the disaster which is about to destroy their land forever?
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Author's Biography

Having spent twenty years as a teacher of French, Latin and Classical Studies, Wendy now devotes her time to writing for children. With her love of history, myth and legend, she aims to take her young readers on an exciting adventure through time in the SHADOWS FROM THE PAST series.


Price £ 7.99 Binding: Paperback

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Reader Comments

Very well written and clear; a good mystery and just right to engage young minds- and older ones too!
Interesting and well written title
The start of an intriguing journey for young inquisitive minds.The book is extremely well written and the series should prove to be both exciting and educational for young children. I am passing the book to my grandchildren aged seven and nine and am ordering the second in the series.
What an excellent book, I loved it!
This is a wonderful story for children, full of action, adventure and humour. The character of the cat is adorable!
My granddaughter loved it
A very promising new children's book
Fascinating take on a timeless legend. Well done, Wendy!
Great characters, great imagination, great book! Children love Wendy's engaging style.
Both my daughters absolutely loved it. So glad this is a series of books!
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