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Published by Quartet Books
ISBN 9780704372498
Summer 2012


Outsider follows the life of Sewell from a young boy in the Great Depression through the imposed experiences of school and National Service and the chosen experience of being a student at the Courtauld Institute. It is about sex and the price to be paid for it and art and the art market.

Author's Biography

Addicted to art, Brian Sewell has been the art critic of the London Evening Standard since 1984 – the sad end of a once promising career, the Orwell, Hawthornden and other prizes scant consolation to a man who once enjoyed life as a scholar gypsy.


‘A gripping portrait’ – Independent ‘Startling ... an excellent read – TLS ‘A delicious read ... tantalising ... I want more – much more’ – Observer ‘Surely the funniest art critic of our time’ – Spectator ‘Riveting … This book records an extraordinary life and will, I hope, soon be continued’ – Lynn Barber Price £ 25 Binding: Hardcover

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