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Everything's Fine
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Everything's Fine

By Socrates Adams
Published by Transmission Print
ISBN 9780956658319
Summer 2012


Everything's Fine concerns the plight of Ian, a salesman suffering at the hands of his boss. Ian sells tubes for a living, and as punishment for poor performance his boss makes him 'raise' a section of tubing as a child. Explores the dark and demented side of human nature.

Author's Biography

Socrates Adams was born in Bath in 1984. He currently lives in Manchester. Everything's Fine is his first novel.


'Written in delirious, panicky sequences reminiscent of Hamsun's Hunger with added fridge-licking paranoia' Declan Tan, The Huffington Post 'As with most successful black comedies, there is tenderness underneath Adams’ bountiful wit and sarcasm' Patrick Trotti, JMWW 'Socrates Adams’ enviable debut takes its place in a line of bleak workplace Douglas Coupland but far more surreal and far, far funnier' Nicholas Murgatroyd, The Manchester Review Price £8.99 Binding: Paperback

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