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Central Reservation
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Central Reservation

By Will le Fleming
Published by Xelsion Publishing
ISBN 978-0-9569370-0-1
Category Literary Fiction
Spring 2012


A compelling and highly original novel, telling the story of Holly Jones and the ghost of her dead twin sister. Set in 2001 as the pyres of the foot-and-mouth epidemic blaze around the countryside, it's a gripping, moving and darkly comic tale of loss, haunting and the search for identity in a world on fire.

Author's Biography

Will le Fleming was born in 1976. He has written stories all his life, and worked in several countries around the world. Over the last few years he’s been a stringer in South America, a croupier in New Zealand, and a sword-fighter at the Tower of London. He presently teaches English literature and lives in London with his wife and young daughter.


‘Central Reservation is a beautifully written, moving and truly original book’ Christie Dickason, novelist and poet ‘This is a writer to watch’ Meg Rosoff, novelist ‘Central Reservation is a dazzling puzzle piece, an exploration of the relationship between grief and guilt, self and other… a delicately observed comedy of family manners and a coming-of-age story.’ Professor Hannah Sullivan, Stanford University Price £16.99 Binding: Hardcover

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Reader Comments

'A true masterpiece'. I was slightly dreading reading this book having lost a sibling myself. However, it is a marvelous book I absolutely loved it. Central Reservation is an exceedingly intricate and clever novel shot through with a brilliant humour, I could not put it down and eagerly await his next novel.
Compelling yet thoughtful. A really enjoyable read. Cannot recommend it highly enough.
Delightful book. Could not put it down. Great to read about life in the countryside and to see how tough it can be. A wonderful imagination.
Given the somewhat grizzly setting of bovine slaughter, I was surprised how quickly I became hooked into the story. le Fleming has a gift for scene setting as well as imaginative characterisation. I couldn't put the book down.
Once started, this was hard to walk away from. A great first book.
I was hugely impressed: a cracking good story, nicely paced, intriguing but credible characters, and beautifully written in literate English. I couldn't help thinking 'Iris Murdoch at her best'.
Highly original, atmospheric, absorbing and thought provoking
Beautiful, comic, atmospheric - says something about rural life and death I haven't encountered before.
Central Reservation is the most enjoyable book I have read in a long time. It has stayed with me and have thought about it for months. It has a haunting quality.
A deeply-felt and absorbing story which draws the reader powerfully into its own engrossing world
I found this book gripping and moving, shocking and gentle, and other unexpected couplings. Ghost stories are mysterious and frightening but not often as funny as this. I was quite drawn into the protagonist's world.
Fascinating read. Great book
A very original first novel. I loved the way the main character dealt with the loss of her sister and teenage dilema's related to growing up. I also found deeper understanding of how the foot-and-mouth epidemic affected comunities, something which I had not fully considered before. The ghost story element worked surprisingly well alongside the realities of this important event in recent British history.
Lovely book that I had real difficulty putting down. I felt aggrieved when it ended, wanting more.
It was reviewed in the TLS, which described it as an ‘ambitious and inventive’ and ‘subtle’ book in which ‘black comedy undercuts painful emotion’. It really is a 'must read'.
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