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Anton the Brave Viking
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Anton the Brave Viking

By Lyn Halvorsen
ISBN 978-178035-060-8
Category short story 3-5 years ,
Winter 2011


Read the delightful story of Anton, the brave little Viking who yearns to be tall. He soon learns that when he is busy doing good deeds, he grows without really trying!

Author's Biography

Lyn Halvorsen is a former nurse, and now that she has hung up her cap and apron for the last time, has been able to develop her love of writing. She is married with a grown up family, and lives in Bucks.


Price £ 7.99 Binding: Paperback

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Reader Comments

A real hit with my foster girls. Charming, funny and enchanting. Love the illustrations. Well done Lyn!
Charming story and delightful illustrations-Great work, Lyn!
wishing you every success with your book and more writing.
Lovely children's story with a point to it. Good Luck to the author Cindy
Love the illustrations. Great job Lyn!
Perfect for your little ones. A fabulous book! Jo.
What a great book and wonderful illustrations. Michele
A lovely book and deserving of a prize
Fantastic children's book. Thank you Lyn
Great read
Fab book, the author is a true writer and a lovely person.Mickey
A truly lovely book!!!
Love the cover, and the nordic book was fantastic!!!!!!!!
A lovely little book for this age group, well written with colourful and simple illustrations and good smallish paragraphs which helps retain interest so the new little readers can soon equate to Anton`s thoughts and adventures. A very interesting introduction to the Nordic lifestyle.
I love this book. It engages the parent as well as the kids. Most importantly though - my 5 kids just love this beautifully worded story. Ben
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