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The Snow Merchant
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The Snow Merchant

By Sam Gayton
Published by Andersen Press
ISBN 9781849393713
Category 9-11yrs
Winter 2011


On a winter night so cold the fires freeze in the hearth, a mysterious guest appears at the door of Lettie’s inn. He claims to be the greatest alchemist that ever lived. Join Lettie on her journey to uncover the true meaning of family, friendship and an astonishing new creation, snow.

Author's Biography

Sam Gayton lives in South London. In 2009 he completed the Writing for Young People MA at Bath Spa University. The Snow Merchant is his first book. His next is about a little lost girl, six inches tall. He loves American novels, Italian food and the English countryside.


Beautifully old-fashioned storytelling weaves a hugely imaginative tale of alchemy, family and snow in this quirky debut novel. - The Bookseller
 The most imaginative tale I've read in a very long time. - Literary Loves
 Unique and original, a beautiful modern day fairytale . . . (5 stars) - Waterstone's Read and Review
 I would recommend this to anyone who likes to read out loud to their children - this is just perfect for curling up together and sharing a story (5 stars) - Waterstone's Read and Review The Snow Merchant is exhilarating, entertaining and original, bursting with ideas. - Books for Keeps, Book of the Month
 This story is truly original, rich in imagination and charm, and it will captivate readers well above its apparent target group. It's curious, really: how can a book about snow leave such a lasting impression of warmth behind? - The BookBag, 5 stars
 Fantastic characters that come to life off the page. (I) will be buying this for lots of family members for Christmas! - Reviewer, aged 58, Waterstones Read and Review
 Grandparents, this is the book to give your grandkids for Christmas - especially if they're coming to stay! - Reviewer, aged 60, Waterstones Read and Review
 A fantastic fantasy tale... totally absorbing. A great read at any age. - Reviewer, aged 44, Waterstones Read and Review
 Price £12.99 Binding: HARDCOVER

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