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Zen and The Art Of Nurdling
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Zen and The Art Of Nurdling

Subtitle Life-Lessons From A Straight Bat
By Steve Rudd
ISBN 978 1 872438 63 4
Category Sports and Hobbies
Autumn 2011


When Steve Rudd fell ill with a life-threatening disease in the summer of 2010 he decided to write down everything he knew about cricket in order to pass it on to his seven year old nephew. This book is the result.

Author's Biography

Steve Rudd was born in a prefab in Hull in 1955, unable to fend for himself, walk or talk. He started writing poetry at school, but fortunately it has all been lost. He overcame these difficulties to write several books including a travel trilogy on Arran.


Price £9.95 Binding: Paperback

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