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Flower of Causses
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Flower of Causses

By Annie Hardacre
Published by Snowflake Books Ltd
ISBN 9780956545756
Autumn 2011


A traveller in a remote region of France is persuaded to read a manuscript left many years ago by an eccentric Englishman. She discovers a psychological story, simply told, of sympathy, suppressed emotion, obsession and loss – and perhaps of the supernatural; the reader may judge.

Author's Biography

Annie Hardacre is the pen-name of a retired university tutor who grew up in the English countryside in the 1950s and who now likes to explore the remoter regions of Scotland and France whenever time permits.


Price £11.99 Binding: Hardcover Publication date 01/10/2010

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Reader Comments

A book I will recommend to all my friends who like more thoughtful and profound books
Beautiful, thoughtful and an elegantly written book!
A book I will recommend to all my friends who like more thoughtful and profound books.
A book full of wisdom and powerful ideas. A wonderful page turner!
I have become a fan of Annie. I enjoyed both Play with Strangers and Flower of the Causses tremendously.
A rare well-written book, full of reflection on modern life. Highly recommended to everyone who can afford a little bit of peaceful time to stop to think.
Marvelous read and beautiful word picture!
A mysterious story entwined with supernatural experience: this is a profound book evoking deep emotion and reflection on the meaning of life.
A word picture of spiritual struggle, like an ever lasting painting which can be enjoyed all the time.
can't put it down until I reach the last page.
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