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By Cat Patrick
Published by Egmont Press
ISBN 9781405253611
Category Romance
Autumn 2011


London sees the future in flashes, like memories. But her past is a blank. She gets by with the help of notes, her mom and her best friend Jamie. But everything’s falling apart. Jamie’s going off the rails. Her mom is lying to her. And she can’t see the boy she adores in her future.

Author's Biography

On a rainy November morning, new-baby sleep deprived, Cat Patrick forgot what she was doing. She retraced her steps but instead of remembering, the idea for Forgotten was born. Cat lives near Seattle with her husband and two young children who now, thankfully, sleep through the night. ‘Forgotten’ is her debut novel.


‘. . . one of the most addictive and original books of your life’. Heaven, Hell and Purgatory Book

'. . . a one of a kind read. It's an amazing debut novel.’ Amaterasu Reads

‘ I don't think my review will be able to do justice to just how amazing this book is and how much I loved it'

. . .’ A Dream of Books ‘I have just one word for you: wow!’ Once Upon a Bookcase

 Price £6.99 Binding: Paperback Publication date 06/06/2011

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