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With Broken Wings
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With Broken Wings

By Sacher Torte
Published by Local Legend
ISBN 9781907203183
Category Romance, thriller/crime/mystery
Autumn 2011


A local thug rescues a young girl from a disused canal, where she has been left to drown. The police arrest him under suspicion of him being the perpetrator, at the same time realising the opportunities to eradicate other vermin from the notorious Dog’s Bed Estate. What no one realises is that the child has an agenda of her own!

Author's Biography

Following a career in teaching, Sacher writes from her home in Mallorca where she lives with her designer husband.


Price £10.00 Binding: Paperback Publication date 24/09/10

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Reader Comments

Very enjoyable book.
Iv'e not finished WITH BROKEN WINGS and still want to vote..... about 70 pages to the end and it's a great little tale and just right for our time ..... ,'al a mod',
This is a very good story with an interesting feeling for some of the tensions within the people of small British towns....Very well polished and rewarding read, a most entertaining fiction...just right for our time.......It should be on display in the book shops now.......'al a mod'...
What a cracker! A story with a difference - not the usual hunt the paedophile formula. A book for human beings who feel and think. As far from a Guchi handbag as your can get. Be preparared to have the stuffing punched out of you and tears brought to your eyes. It's what happens when people are driven to the edge - they fight to survive!
Want to know what excites riot in people who otherwise would not stand and fight? Read this book which is emotive, passionate and supportive of the human condition in all its different lights. Tragic at times, but will leave you wanting more Sacher Torte. Her first book, With Bells on his Toes, is a cracker also!
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