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Skulduggery Pleasant
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Skulduggery Pleasant

Subtitle Death Bringer
By Derek Landy
ISBN 9780007326020
Category 9+ years
Autumn 2011


The sixth instalment in the historic, hysterical and horrific Skulduggery Pleasant series. Think you’ve seen anything yet? You haven’t. Because the Death Bringer is about to rise… This book will recruit thousands of new members to Derek’s munchkin army and is an absolute must have for his existing fans.

Author's Biography

Derek Landy lives near Dublin. Before writing his children's story about a sharply-dressed skeleton detective, he wrote the screenplays for a zombie movie and a murderous horror film.


‘…the best plotted and funniest from any Irish writer in recent years’ Shane Hegarty, Arts Editor, Irish Times Price £14.99 Binding: Hardcover Publication date 01/09/2011

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