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The Day Louis Got Eaten
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The Day Louis Got Eaten

By John Fardell
Published by Andersen Press
ISBN 9781849390156
Category Category Children’s, 0-5 years
Autumn 2011


When Louis gets eaten up by a Gulper, his big sister Sarah knows she has to act fast, and sets off in hot pursuit. But rescuing a boy from a Gulper’s tummy isn't so simple — especially when other strange and scary creatures are looking for their dinner too. . .

Author's Biography

As well as being a children's author and illustrator, John Fardell is also a cartoonist. His work has appeared in many other publications, including the Independent, the Herald and the List. He lives in Edinburgh with his wife and two young sons


Price £10.99 Binding: Hardcover Publication date 04/08/11

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