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Noontide Owls
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Noontide Owls

By Irene Black
ISBN 9780955941535
Category Children’s : Fantasy for 10 years to adult
Autumn 2011


When Ambamar is liberated from oppression, freedom releases long-suppressed animosity between its inhabitant groups. Maara, the girl with three blessings, sets out to bring peace, aided by a magic speaking book. Her quest takes her through forests, deserts and raging seas, populated by nature spirits, monsters and magical creatures.

Author's Biography

Irene Black was previously a psychologist and teacher and has lived in the USA, Australia and India. She has a Masters degree in Asian Arts. She has won numerous national and international prizes for short stories and poetry, including the 2003 National Association of Writers’ Groups Annual Short Story award.


‘Mind-boggling and faultless. Not once did I feel confused: each character is so distinct and special that they stay embedded in your memory forever.’ Anjali Mittal, children’s author Price £8.99 Binding: Paperback Publication date 19/9/2011

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