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Camilla The Cupcake Fairy Story Book
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Camilla The Cupcake Fairy Story Book

By Lara Ede (illustrator)
ISBN 9781848798823/1848798822
Category Children's 3-5 years
Autumn 2011


Camilla’s dreams come true when she receives her first wand, but she soon discovers that being a Cupcake Fairy is harder than she thought! Everything seems to go wrong for Camilla until she calls on her friends for help. Only then does she discover what this wand can really do!

Author's Biography

Lara Ede is an illustrator and designer with a wealth of experience working for the UK’s major publishers. Specialising in children’s books, Lara combines her love of pattern with quirky illustrations to create images that are vibrant and original. Lara lives and works in Newark, with her family.


Price £6.99 Binding: Paperback Publication date 01/03/11

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Reader Comments

I love this book and so do my children. It looks great, the illustrations are fantastic and the story really fun.
A lovely, pretty book! My neice loves Camilla so much she pretends to be a cupcake fairy too! Little girls will love this!!!
Amazing book for little girls! My daughter really loves it! I can't wati to buy more similar books by the same author and illistrator. #1 for sure!!!
My nieces absolutely love Camilla! It is their favourite story to read at bedtime.
Stand out book in this category. My children love it
really lovely, well designed, fun book :)
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