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By Roshi Fernando
Published by Impress Books
ISBN 9781907605024
Summer 2011


Homesick tells the story of a community of Sri Lankan immigrants carving out new lives in Britain. Each chapter is the story of a member of this community. Individually they struggle with issues of abuse, love, death, cultural identity and change. Collectively they illustrate the need for community in a fractured society.

Author's Biography

Roshi Fernando was shortlisted for The Sunday Times Short Story Award 2011. She won the Impress Prize for New Writers in 2009 and is about to sign her next book deal with a major UK publisher.


Roma Tearne has written perceptively and poetically about the experience of Sri Lankans living in Britain: now she has a rival - Alfred Hickling, The Guardian “Incredibly moving … I think it is brilliant” - Daisy Waugh, speaking at the Sunday Times Literary Festival Price £ £8.99 Binding: Paperback

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Reader Comments

As with Salman Rushdie, the voices are heard in my head, lilting with the character of Sri Lankan accents.
An exceptional book from a strong, clear new voice; this mosaic novel showcases Fernando's depth of understanding of contemporary British society, and offers the reader a basket of delights while telling 17 gripping, beautiful stories. Funny, tender, angry and wise.
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