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Subtitle Patrick McGooghan - a life
By Rupert Booth
Published by Supernova Books
ISBN 9780956632920
Category Biography
Summer 2011


In this up-to-date biography, Rupert Booth reveals the true character of a man whose off-screen behaviour was as compelling as his fiery on-screen persona. Why was he so puritanical? Refusing to even kiss a woman for any part he played? Why was he so controlling over his work in The Prisoner and other productions?

Author's Biography

Rupert Booth is an actor and writer living in London. He co-owns the production company Wildeyes TV and is currently working on several books in his spare time. In 2004 he co-wrote with Jon Blum, the first Powys Media's series of Prisoner spin-off novels which was received to critical acclaim and he has been a fan of Patrick McGoohan since he saw the series.


He was meant to become the first James Bond … Now a revealing new biography tells of a destructive Jekyll and Hyde persona that governed his life’ ‘Daily Express’ ‘This biography of the creator of The Prisoner attempts to get behind his enigmatic mask… a compelling read … of one of television’s most talented stars.’ SFX ***** ‘ last an in-depth exploration of a controversial character who can teach us all to say “no” at a time when we need to...’ DAZED & CONFUSED ‘..people have tried to reach a conclusion about the sort of person that Patrick McGoohan really was… Rupert Booth may well have found the answer.’ RICK DAVY, THE UNMUTUAL Price £ 12.99 Paperback

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