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Black Dog Dream Dog
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Black Dog Dream Dog

By Michele Superle
ISBN 978-1-896580-340
Category Children’s ages 8-11
Summer 2011


A huge black dog appears in Sam’s back garden. She doesn’t know where he came from; but he is definitely the dog of her dreams. But hiding him in the garden shed and taking care of him without her mother finding out proves far more difficult than Sam imagined.

Author's Biography

Millie Balance studied art at St. Martin’s School of Art and lives in Hove. She also illustrated The Eco-Diary of Kiran Singer for Tradewind. Michelle Superle lives in British Columbia and teaches children’s literature at Okanagon College.


Black Dog Dream Dog is a fantastic, feel-good read involving a contemporary Littlest Hobo who would never leaves those who love him and whom he loves in return. Price £ 8.95 Paperback
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Reader Comments

lovely thoughtful work. you can almost hear the characters breathing!!
lovely illustrations, I love Millie's amazing work!
Wonderful book with stunning illustrations by Millie Ballance! Shaloam =)
This is a lovely book about friendship, with beautiful illustrations by the talented Millie Balance
The character of the dog is so authentic in the illustrations they have a humorous charm without being overly sentimental they bring the story.
love the drawings
Ciao Millie dall'Italia!!!
I love simple style of Mille's drawing. Her drawing bring the characters of the book. Yoko
This book is brilliant - my child loves it as do I.
I just love Millie's work (and so do my daughters)! Kaz.
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