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A Shell Eye on England
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A Shell Eye on England

Subtitle The Shell County Guides 1934-1984
By David Heathcote
Published by Libri Publishing
ISBN 9781907471070
Category History
Spring 2011


Explores the history of the Shell Guides and their relation to their cultural context. The book benefits from unprecedented access to the Shell Archive; beautifully illustrated with over 200 original images. Extensive coverage of John Betjeman and John Piper.

Author's Biography

David Heathcote is a Historian of Architecture and Design. He has written numerous books on Architecture and Interior Design including Barbican: Penthouse Over the City and The 70s House. He presented the BBC4 series Art Deco Icons.


Price £24.95 Binding: Paperback

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Reader Comments

Interesting book from an author who provides an additional perspective to the original Shell Guides. A pleasure to read and full of memories of motoring with mty parents in the 50's
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