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The Knocknobbler
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The Knocknobbler

Subtitle The Dog Catcher of Worcester
By Bernard Cartwright
Published by Parapress
ISBN 978-1-8985-82-6
Spring 2011


At 54, Bernard Cartwright lost his high-powered job – and went to the dogs. In rottweiler-proof suit, he patrolled Worcester as its dog warden. This is his daily account of barking dogs, biting dogs, lost and abandoned curs – and their owners! You don’t know Tosca the poodle with dreadlocks? Read on!

Author's Biography

Bernard Cartwright enjoyed his rollercoaster years at ITV, firstly as a cameraman and then award-winning researcher/director. He now writes about the Midlands where he lives with his wife and family in Stourbridge.


“Wonderful sense of humour clearly reflected” Chris Tarrant. “A real treat” Irish Catholic. “A vivid account of a modern city and its environs” Catholic Times. Price £ 8.99 Binding: Paperback

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Reader Comments

A great take on a great city.
Interesting, funny book. Good read.
Doggedly readable.
Very funny and complete entertainment
Funny and really interesting. A must read
This book is ace! - What a refreshingly honest snapshot of Worcester Life this is!
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