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Acting for the Better
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Acting for the Better

Subtitle An AmDram A to Z
By Mary Hasbury
Published by Puck Books
ISBN 978-0-9560960-3-6
Category How to / Hobbies
Spring 2011


Acting for the Better’ is an informative, entertaining A to Z handbook for drama groups which solves many thespian mysteries. It covers subjects from Acting to Zest, via Method Acting and Projection, with a foreword by Richard Briers and illustrations by Jill Fenson.

Author's Biography

Mary Hasbury has worked in professional theatre, both touring and in rep, and in early television and film. While raising a family she worked with amateur groups, taught drama and was an associate member of the Guild of Drama Adjudicators. She has also contributed over 470 reviews and articles to local newspapers.


"This is a splendidly clear and informative guide to becoming a better actor." Richard Briers – Foreword Price £8.99 Binding: Paperback

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Reader Comments

Extremely useful and informative. A a great read with entertaining illustrations.
I wish this book had been available when I was a drama student.
A fascinating handbook for anyone who wants to learn more about the art of acting.
This is a really helpful book, and the illustrations are very funny!
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