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Subtitle 30 YEARS IN SUBUD
By Marcus Bolt
Published by VIA BOOKS
ISBN 0 9535766 0 4
Category Self Help
Spring 2011


For those wishing to find out more about Subud, a modern, yet seemingly ancient, spiritual movement. It charts one man’s thirty-year involvement, his take on its organisation, culture and the transformative process at its heart, while emphasising that the experience is individual – every member would have a completely different story.

Author's Biography

Marcus Bolt grew up in London until his family moved to a new town when he was twelve. He went to art college, leaving with a first in Graphic Design. He worked alternatively in advertising and art teaching, eventually becoming a freelance writer /designer and now lives near Bristol.


Entertaining and instructive by turns, Marcus writes in an easy, flowing conversational style that gives the reader the feeling of being personally addressed. Unpretentious and refreshingly free of sanctimony, there is a generosity and a warmth of spirit about his narration that quickly befriends the reader and invites positive participation... Laurence Clark In this refreshingly straightforward narrative, Marcus Bolt reflects on his years in Subud with humour, affection, insight, courage and delightful candour. There is nothing pretentious or preachy. It's all straight stuff, but straight from Marcus. And that's what makes it work... Latifah Taormina £10.00 Paperback

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