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The Nine Quines
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The Nine Quines

By Harry Fenwick
ISBN 978 1 872438 84 9
Category Thriller/Crime/Mystery
Spring 2011


A group of archaeologists gathers at The Nine Quines, a group of standing stones beside a Scottish loch, their University having been given permission to carry out a dig, and a re-enactment project, to be filmed by a TV company. But one of them is not all he seems…

Author's Biography

Harry Fenwick is married and divides his time between Scotland, which he describes as his “spiritual home”, the North of England, where he actually lives, and Cambridge, where he has family connections. This is his first novel.


Price £ 6.99 Paperback

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Reader Comments

Almost voted for this but put off by the genderism and side-lining of 'Jenny' (the only character referred to by first rather than surname and whose qualifications were not referenced in the extract (not to mention the coffee making!!)) and typos. Shame because the story sounds intriguing and some real laugh out loud moments.
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