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By Mike Lancaster
Published by Egmont Press
ISBN 978 1 4052 5304 8
Spring 2011


An utterly compelling science fiction apocalypse, framed in the form of the transcribed audio tape recordings of Kyle Straker – who documented his discovery that humans are little more than hardware, able to be programmed and upgraded . . .

Author's Biography

Mike Lancaster lives in Cambridge with his wife, kids, dogs, cats, horses, the Leopard Geckos, and somewhere in between the zoo-keeping he writes stories. 0.4 is his first novel for children.


‘. . . a gripping and menacing tale of paranoia and tension . . . Clever and thought provoking, 0.4 will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading . . . Lancaster may well be worth keeping an eye on.’ (SFX, December 2010). ‘We need more classy and intelligent sci-fi in teen books and 0.4 gives us a more than healthy dollop of it.’ (The Bookbag, January 2011) ‘. . . sci-fi genius created around a mindblowing central concept . . . Mike Lancaster's version of humankind's future is one I can hardly wait to revisit. Brilliant.’ (I Was a Teenage Book Geek, January 2011) ‘. . . one of the best books I have read this year which is unique in its ideas and execution. Fab stuff.’ (The Overflowing Library, January 2011) Price £6.99 Binding: Paperback

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