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Young Scamper and The Sly Fox
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Young Scamper and The Sly Fox

Subtitle The Adventures of Young Scamper
By Martin D Talbot
ISBN 978-1-903256-39-8
Category Short Stories 6-12 years
Spring 2011


In this story, Young Scamper meets a nasty creature he has never actually met before, a sly fox and he soon realises that he has met his match and a big challenge. How will Young Scamper deal with this nasty creature and can he trust him to become his friend.

Author's Biography

This is the fourth story in the series of ‘The Adventures of Young Scamper’ and is based upon my time working in the town of Tonbridge in the county of Kent in England. Alas, there are no known Red Squirrels like Young Scamper, living in Tonbridge.


Price £2.50 Binding: Paperback

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Reader Comments

a lovely story for children
a great read daughter loved the book
This a great story for young children
Excellant book
A very enjoyable story
Another great Scamper story
I love Young Scamper
Another lovely story.
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