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Living With Evil
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Living With Evil

By Cynthia Owen
ISBN 9780755319053
Category Biography
Winter 2010


Cynthia’s is a horrific story of brutality and loss, but ultimately, it is an account of love, immense bravery and her fight for justice in Noleen’s name. She was just eight years old when she was sexually abused by her father amongst others. Shortly before her eleventh birthday she was made pregnant and, minutes after giving birth to the baby, Cynthia watched in horror as her own mother murdered the tiny infant, named Noleen, by repeatedly stabbing her with a knitting needle. Cynthia’s mother then wrapped the baby girl in a plastic bag, dumped her in an alleyway and made her daughter go back to school and pretend nothing had ever happened.

Author's Biography

Cynthia Owen grew up in Ireland, went to the local convent school, said her prayers and took her first communion with all the other girls in her class. But behind the façade of respectability lurked a hideous reality. After enduring many more years of rape and violence, Cynthia came forward and reported her abuse and Noleen’s death.


£6.99 Paperback Pages: 320 Publication date 10/06/2010

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Reader Comments

Well done Cynthia.
excellently co written by Rachel Murphy, look forward to the next one.
An incredibly moving story.
Read this book in one sitting. Beautifully written and would definitely recommend to anyone. Truly insipring!
Cynthia showed (and shows) incredible strength in the face of overwhelming cruelty.
Cynthia many congrats on your publication And your courage to tell your story . I wish you all the success in the world
This book deserved its spot in top 10 for over 12 weeks!
very gripping, story of one womans survival against all odds
fantastic book best i ever read, finished it in hours
Fantastic writing by the Co-Author Rachel Murphy. A mixture of horror, empathy and disbeleif that this happened in our society in the 60-70's. But undoubtedly a true account of abuse suffered by the victim.
Brilliant read and very memorable, could not put it down.
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