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The Boy Who Wanted to Fly
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The Boy Who Wanted to Fly

By Don Mullan
Published by Legend Press
ISBN 9781907756016
Category Memoir/Sports
Winter 2010


A moving memoir by Don Mullan (bestselling author of Eyewitness Bloody Sunday) reveals how it was the inspiration of footballer Gordon Banks that helped the young Mullan turn away from joining the IRA and want to become a goalkeeper. The book features an exclusive foreword from Pelé and Archbishop Desmond Tutu and includes an exclusive interview with Gordon Banks.

Author's Biography

Don is an Irish humanitarian worker and media producer. He has headed one well-known Irish aid agency, co-produced a film about Bloody Sunday and wrote Eyewitness Bloody Sunday, which is credited with triggering the Bloody Sunday Inquiry. Don attended the inauguration of President Nelson Mandela in recognition of his work on behalf of the anti-apartheid movement and is involved in football legend Pele’s football school in Brazil.


‘We can state without fear of contradiction, [Mullan’s scrapbook] has to be one of the greatest and most moving tributes a child – anywhere in the world – has created to a hero.’ - Pele and Archbishop Desmond Tutu 'If you are a fan, show this story to your children. If you are a footballer, read Don Mullan's book – and see what interaction with fans can do for you.' – Daily Mirror ‘The way Mullan gets his experiences and emotions across in this book make the connection between the fan and idol all the more powerful, and produce a very interesting, intense and thought-provoking message to the reader’ – A Different League ‘The short chapters pique your interest, and keep your anticipation level high. Mullan writes in an engaging and conversational tone but with significant detail.’ - World Football Commentaries £7.99 Paperback Size in mm: Height of book 198, Width of book 130 Pages: 160 Publication date: 30/09/10

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