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The Lie of the Land

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The Lie of the Land

By Ian Vince
ISBN 978-0-752-22711-5
Winter 2010


A spotter’s guide to the Britain beneath your feet . From the ancient rocks of north-west Scotland to St Michael's Mount off the coast of Cornwall, The Lie of the Land takes us on a journey through a fantastically exotic Britain of red desert sands, shattering continental collisions and tides of volcanic lava. Ian Vince shows us how Britain came to look the way it does; and with warmth and wit transports us back through billions of years to a land that time forgot.

Author's Biography

Ian Vince is a contributing editor to The Idler, has written for Channel 4’s Bremner, Bird and Fortune and is the author of four humorous books, including Britain: What a State and The MyWay Code. He also writes a regular column in the Daily Telegraph called ‘Strange Days’, in which he travels around Britain seeking out curious local customs, folklore and odd occurrences.


£ 14.99 Binding: Hardcover Size in mm: Height of book 216mm Width of book 135mm Pages: 256 Publication date 04 / 06 / 10

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Reader Comments

Excellent, got this as soon as it was published and it was a great read.
An informative subject handled with wit; rare.
Well written and interesting.
An excellent read that brings the landscape to life! Was given as a Christmas present and the pages just peeled past.
Brilliant Book, really inspires you to get out and about.
This is a great book, it's easy reading, yet you end up looking at everywhere you go in Britain in a different way!
Terrific book. I never realised there was so much going on under the landscape, really.
An inspiring book. Makes you want to dash off into the Highlands to check out all the locations.
This author not only takes the mystique out of geology, he has made this journey through the British landscape a real page-turner.
A fascinating view of the British landscape, which makes you approach the countryside that sits upon it in a refreshingly new way. Very nicely written too.
A wonderful book by a brilliant author - I highly recommend it!
Great Stuff.
Excellent and very inspiring book!
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