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Published by Panacea Press
ISBN 978-0-9539955-7-8
Category Family
Winter 2010


Boost Your Child’s Achievements proves that the scope for parental intervention goes beyond the limits imposed by the child’s genetic endowment, and will help parents shape their offspring into happy self-assured, round rounded individuals.

Author's Biography

Erwin Brecher PhD was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1914. His first manuscript was published in 1994 by Pan Macmillan. Since then he has written more than twenty books on parenting, intelligence, puzzles and scientific subjects, published in the USA and Europe. Dr David Cowell is a leading expert and innovator in the fi¬eld of education. He has written or contributed to seven books on the applications of psychology, including Boost Your Child’s Potential and Steps Ahead. He has published research in leading academic journals on child behaviour problems.


£8.95 PAPERBACK Size in mm: Height of book Width of book 228M X 138MM Pages: 238 Publication date 01/06/10

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