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Our Pathway of Being
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Our Pathway of Being

By Jenny Masefield
ISBN 978-1-85756-614-7
Category Mind/Body
Winter 2010


What lies before life, and after death? This inspiring book offers answers to these fundamental questions and more. Jenny Masefield draws from a wide spectrum of religions, philosophies and cultures - from some of the most distinguished thinkers of early history, right through to modern accounts and thinking.

Author's Biography

Jenny Masefield was born in Uganda to a medical and artistic family. Educated in East Africa and Britain, she qualified as an orthopaedic nurse and physiotherapist. She has travelled around the world, learning from many diverse cultures and beliefs, and was awarded the MBE for a lifetime of charity work.


'A Michelin guide for the ultimate journey of life' David Lorimer A well-written, comprehensively researched and invigorating study which considers the most profound questions of life and consciousness in a very readable and inviting way. - M. J. N., Lymington Times £11.95 (RRP) Paperback Size in mm: Height of book: 20cm Width of book: 14.4cm Pages: 328 Publication date 02/04/10

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