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Time Riders
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Time Riders

By Alex Scarrow
Published by Puffin Books
ISBN 9780141326924
Category 11+
Summer 2010


An exciting, inventive page-turner that takes time travel to a whole new level . . .
Liam O’Connor should have died at sea in 1912.
Maddy Carter should have died on a plane in 2010.
Sal Vikram should have died in a fire in 2029.
Yet moments before death, someone mysteriously appeared and said, ‘Take my hand ...’
       But Liam, Maddy and Sal aren’t rescued. They are recruited by an agency that no one knows exists, with only one purpose – to fix broken history. Because time travel is here, and there are those who would go back in time and change the past.
       That’s why the TimeRiders exist: to protect us. To stop time travel from destroying the world . . .

Author's Biography

Alex Scarrow used to be a rock guitarist, then he became a graphic artist, then he decided to be a computer games designer. Finally, he grew up and became an author. He has written a number of successful thrillers and several screenplays, but it's YA fiction that has allowed him to really have fun with the ideas and concepts he was playing around with when designing games.
He lives in Norwich with his son, Jacob, his wife, Frances, and two very fat rats.


£6.99  Paperback

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