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Young Scamper and The Red Conker Soup [June]
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Young Scamper and The Red Conker Soup [June]

By Martin D Talbot
ISBN 978-1-903256-08-4
Summer 2010


This is the story of Young Scamper, a young Red Squirrel who was born in the spring by the riverbank. All the Red Squirrels live in the south field, whereas all the Grey Squirrels live on the other side of the river in the north field. Neither the Red nor the Grey Squirrels dare to go near each other, but in this story Young Scamper decides to break this tradition and has to face the consequences of his actions. By sheer fate, Young Scamper changes the whole future of how the Red and Grey Squirrels live together forever more. This is the first book in the series of 'The Adventures of Younger Scamper' There are two more books in the series with three future books currently being written.

Author's Biography

Martin Talbot worked in the town of Tonbridge in the county of Kent in England. Anybody who lives in or has visited this small town, will be familiar with the Grey Squirrels that occupy the riverbanks of the Medway, which runs through the centre of the town. Alas, there are no known Red Squirrels living in Tonbridge.


£2.50 Binding: Paperback

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Reader Comments

delightful story with a lovely message.... a favourite bedtime read for my grand-daughter and me.
A child would enjoy this so much that they would be keen to know what he (Scamper) is going to do next! P.S. How come it is stated voting up to 28th February and opposite it says this book is no longer eligible for voting? Todays date is 26/02/11!!
A brilliant read... I love this book!
A lovely read for 6 to 60 year olds. enchanting
This is a great book for young children as I am 15 and I enjoyed it. It gives a good message to the reader, as it shows you, that enemies can be friends after all. Very good and I would recommend it to all young readers.
A very good book helping to teach a valuable lesson to young children.
We could not put this book down once we started it, we had to know what the Red conker soup was for. A fantastic story that should be read in schools.
A wonderful Story
This is a lovely story about how enemies can become friends
Wonderful booked loved by both me and my son, it was always favourite for the bedtime read.
This story gives a strong moral meaning and is a most enjoyable and delightful tale.
This book is a very good read for all children of six years upward.
Excellant story for both young and old readers
I found the story enchanting and had a very real moral message for todays children and adults!
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