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ISBN 9780722339275
May 2010


A Time for Rosebuds is the story of two years in the life of Cathy, a seventeen-year-old Yorkshire girl, who leaves her home in the industrial North of England to follow her dreams of finding fame and fortune in London. It is the mid-1950s and hostel accommodation in a room for four has been arranged. New friendships are soon made, including a tender love interest in the form of tall, dark and handsome Gary, whom Cathy meets at a dance hall. A job is secured and Cathy finds the reality of living and working in London a joy unsurpassed. An exciting holiday in Mallorca is experienced, at a time when bikinis on the beaches are banned - and Cathy faces near-arrest when spotted from afar wearing one. The scent of Jab6n Maja is in the air at the flamenco, but not all is well at the bullfight. Challenged by a series of situations that unfold as the story develops, Cathy becomes acquainted with a side of London that she had no idea existed. Alongside the scintillating lighting displays adorning the clubs and theatres of the West End, Cathy is soon to realise that the night life is not for her. With Gary posted overseas, Cathy becomes more involved in the well-being of those around her. Her desire for stardom has to take second place when she is called upon to help out friends in genuine need. Jenny, for one, is pregnant and considering an abortion. Linda is homeless, having been evicted from the hostel on account of a misdemeanour. This book, compelling throughout and leading to an explosive finale, is a must for the female reader, aged from sixteen years and well beyond.

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£10.99 Paperback

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Reader Comments

A really good read. Well written and well put together. I hope she writes more. Susan White
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